Monday, July 19, 2010

The meaning of humor...

With the 115 degree heat & mighty long days of late, I've found myself cooling off in the glorious solitude of a cool cucumber or lemon bath lately most evenings I get home. I light candle throw many slices into a tub of tepid water & relax.
Birth date 44 is upon the horizon & as usual I get a bit philosophical each time another candle approaches. I mean another year of life & am I any closer to the real me???
We all do wonder, gazing into the mirror, questioning ourselves & if who we are is who we really are. We've all played shapes to fit the nooks & crannies we live in knowing fully well its not our natural place...okay, okay I'm getting a bit to Personal Growth section at Borders but really its true.
me being me in 2006

The one thing I know is screw it, being yourself is happiest. So I'm here to proudly tell you.

I'll never be a glamour queen....
...have a tiny waist...
...wear heels just to look good when flats are needed....
....wear bright lipstick....

...wear anything but a suit & sunscreen to the beach... ...ignore dessert...ever!!!!!
...dress cute when jeans & no makeup works best... delicately coy, heck any coy for that matter... ...or the suit type...

...or the fur type......go to bed in makeup... ...or wake up looking like a vision of loveliness...

Nope. None of that is me & is great!!! I've tried them all, yup even the cigarettes for like 10 minutes 23 years ago & to that & all the other times I tried not to be the chatty, silly, eats on dates, speaks my mind times...well it all leaves a horrible taste in my mouth & self.

So for now I leave you with my 2 favorite quotes courtesy of Quoteable Cards

Have a glorious week being you!!!
Now back to our regular posting.....
Images courtesy of Quotable Cards & My Vintage Vogue

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Seeing red & blue, year 2

Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie & me!!! All American fun is gearing up from sea to shining sea this weekend in the grand olde U.S.A. & along with firecrackers, barbecues, to mention our tastebuds, my senses have been delighted this past year with another sets of red, white & blue true hues. My traipse across the scape last year was so fun how could I not give you another swig.

Dapper men are very patriotic

Miles Redd

Have a firecracker, hot doggy, apple pie eating good ole time with your loved ones this weekend with a special blessing to those serving our country.

Happy Independence!!!!