I've always loved the hues with reds & blues that create purple. From garden to kitchen & everywhere in between it makes a statement & for me the deeper the tone the better
Alliums to tulips the hues can anchor, punch or grace a garden. How could you not just adore this flora bunda bounty???
Cuisine. Naturally one thinks of grapes but pies & tarts??? Martha's Concord Grape Tart was my first recipe waaaay back in 1985.

Then I was introduced to kale & broccoli which both are amazing roasted or sauteed with a drizzle of balsamic glaze & olive oil to finish. Oh fresh ground pepper & Maldon salt sprinkled...fabulous!!!!

Remember garlic, egglant & basil...all in purples sauteed together...holy moly!!!

Ironically my favorites are the Italian plums & figs: their deep color on exterior not mirrored inside but still. Figs roasted stuffed with chevre, my mom's German plum cake...yum!!
Using purples in design: usually they end up being lavender like light but again deep tones create impact, proving that urbane sophistication can indeed take the girly girl out of such a traditionally girly shade.
Mind you men can & do wear the shade..my fathers Faconnable Tie & Thomas Pink shirt prove it so well. 
Then there's my dream Vivienne Westwood dress, the famed D'Orsay Manolos & Chanel's Vendetta sultry on my nails.

Alliums to tulips the hues can anchor, punch or grace a garden. How could you not just adore this flora bunda bounty???

A little Hermes never does any harm...
Whichever shade you adore, go for it. There's nothing better than punch & drama when it comes to coloring your life.
Photos courtesy of flickr, House Beautiful, Johner & Veranda

Photos courtesy of flickr, House Beautiful, Johner & Veranda