Flu, flu, work, work, flu then to the hospital...double pnemonia. Yup thats my life the last 6 weeks. I"m in my second week of recovery & to make matters even worse on my CT scan my lung lymph nodes were enlarged beyond what illness should give me so naturally the resident gives me a list of reasons that includes cancer but thats the only one I heard. The odds are small but frankly any odds just aint delightful or delovely. I'll have to be re scanned & if I dont get ship shape sooner well then everything will just be pushed up but forgive me if I'm not in a blogging mood. I'll be back soon. I just need to veg, rest & find my usual kickin ass character again.
I hope everyone is having a fabulous Halloween week & enjoying the bounty of Autumn that I miss so very much. See the leaves, wear a sweater & pick an apple for me. I threw an amazing picking party eons ago back in a friends orchards in Michigan. Think picnic tables covered with vintage plaid blankets, baskets, vintage enamelware and a killer tablescapeof pumpkins, apples & straw/ Why oh why could 1994 not be a digital year??
Love to all.